The project learning materials are now available on the University's e-learning module:
In the communist period of this region the stateowned companies dominated the raw material sector
and the entrepreneurial skills were not supported. The willingness to take entrepreneurial action is
one of the most important issues running a new business and being a successful entrepreneur, but
today the necessary skills, because of the historical roots, are missing. As the MOVE concluded the
migration in V4 countries tends to be age specific, the highest mobility rates correspond to young
working ages. The main objective of this WP is to reach the undergraduate and postgraduate
engineer students related to RM (preferring those who have additional international educational and
cultural experience) and to develop their entrepreneur knowledge. Short trainings (International
Summer Schools) are going to be organized to them considering the unique characteristics of the raw
material sector in the ESEE region (revealed in WP2). The goal of the program is to train
professionals and develop their knowledge about the main fields of business life and give a strategic
approach to ensure the development and sustainment of the enterprises. They would be familiar with
the international trends of raw material sector in the European Union and able to control
organizations, business activities (such as creating a business plan, making basic financial and tax
calculations, marketing and operation plan, market analysis) and the human resource as well. This
program also would like to enhance progress in the participants’s career and motivate them to start
their own business.
WP3 concentrates on the youth generation (Y and Z, generations that grew up with wireless
technology) regarding their special needs. In the course of realization of their own ideas, these young
people expect that foreign experiences, diverse knowledge and skills will provide good references
either in the course of innovative initiations to be launched in the home country, or when starting a
business. The new businesses adapting the knowledge of innovation can spread in the periphery and
disseminate the idea of new products and services, and thus, will gain competitive advantages.
Task 3.1 – preparing training materials
Business training materials (6+4 curricula) should be developed, which can be given to the
participants of summer schools. Some materials will be common (6 curricula) and will be used in
every summer school, but some materials will be different and (national) specific because of the local
differences (related to RM sector, tax legislation and local regulations – 4 curricula/V4 countries).
Most of the curricula will be available at a distance learning surface as well at the North Hungarian
Regional Distance Education Center website (belongs to the University of Miskolc). These materials
will be used in WP5 as blended learning.
Task 3.2 – creating applications system, recruiting
Trainings/workshops/Blended Courses supported by distance learning materials are organized by
higher education institutions for their students. In the selection process, the primary consideration will
be to take into account the learning outcomes, while paying special attention to the aspects of equal
Task 3.3 – International Summer School (three times)
We offer small and medium enterprises development training programs in the frame of summer
schools. The participants learn to put in value their knowledge: from creating innovative solutions to
make them sustainable with the appropriate business model, and customer relationships. They
understand the needs of companies and get in touch with real business world. In the International
Summer School the undergraduate and postgraduate engineer students will take part in lectures and
a professional study tour where they will be able to get acquainted with best domestic practices. The
events will be organized in Kosice, Krakow and Miskolc. This latter has a unique character: it will be
supported with SAP ERP software and training, which contributes to deeper knowledge about the
operation of companies.